My friend's mom once said, "my daughter is not a billboard". She was referring to the fact that so many companies, namely Abercromie and such, sell their goods solely on their name. Even higher end brands, Gucci or Prada sell themselves on their name (but at least their goods are quality). I've always agreed with that idea and refrain from buying anything that has a name visibly branded on it.

So... that's why I fell in love with Muji. They want what I want.
"Muji is distinguished by its design minimalism, emphasis on recycling, avoidance of waste in production and packaging, and no-logo or "no-brand" policy." (Wikipedia:Muji)
They have great simple little things and design to best fit your needs and make you but as little as as least often as possible. I first stumbled upon them in the MOMA design store and became obsessed enough to seek out the MUJI store itself this winter. I guess it's ironic though that I'm obsessed with the brand MUJI when their entire goal is to be no-brand... but if I'm going to buy anything I might as well have my money going to something I believe in right?
Muji Design Competition brought out some pretty cool ideas as well that are worth checking out. MUJI!

So... that's why I fell in love with Muji. They want what I want.
"Muji is distinguished by its design minimalism, emphasis on recycling, avoidance of waste in production and packaging, and no-logo or "no-brand" policy." (Wikipedia:Muji)
They have great simple little things and design to best fit your needs and make you but as little as as least often as possible. I first stumbled upon them in the MOMA design store and became obsessed enough to seek out the MUJI store itself this winter. I guess it's ironic though that I'm obsessed with the brand MUJI when their entire goal is to be no-brand... but if I'm going to buy anything I might as well have my money going to something I believe in right?
Muji Design Competition brought out some pretty cool ideas as well that are worth checking out. MUJI!
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