School Lecture TIME

Our school has a lectures series titled Wats:on
that we are required to attend and our latest guest was Peter Fend, an American Eco-artist that seeks to use art to make an impact ecologically. This is what New York Times has to say about him. Watching him speak was like tripping. He jumped from one idea to another and in the words of a fellow classmate, "it seemed like he couldn't speak fast enough to share all his ideas". Ha, I can somewhat relate to that sensation. If anyone has seen my sketchbook/ the million and one mindmaps I have drawn you understand. All in all had some crazy concepts and kept referring to "fat corner" which after a few minutes researching on the Internet I have yet to understand/find.

Then there was Bruce Mau. Who also wants to save the world. That seems like the string that holds all these artists together and something I deeply appreciate. I felt like he was much more of a conceptual artist and had lots of really good ideas to share that he's working on. I guess both artists achieved their goals because they made me think. Good job guys!
bruce mao... really yellow or faux asian? discuss::
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