
The Victoria & Albert Museum presents Forever. Floating above the pond within the John Madejski Garden, a large videowall installation of endless animations responding to an ever changing soundtrack. The bespoke generative design system at the heart of Forever will spawn unique audio-visual films everyday, forever.
Maybe this is just one of those things I'll be temporarily obsessed with but I've recently become attached to the soundscapes. I don't know if I'm correct but I read it as synethsia explained. For every note sounded there is a different color, movement, shape. Can you even imagine figuring that all out?
A super simple example of a sound sculpture is this - here each note is on one plane with simple rectangular shapes. Now in A&V's Forever, the sculpture is imagined to be 3D, with every imaginable permuation possible of shapes and the colors are more fluid and one sound can actually be expressing a range of colors... so it's pretty darn cool. Like a super advanced and well thought out version of iTunes visualizer
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