Andrew Freear

I just saw a lecture at school by Andrew Freear and it was the spark I needed to restart this blog . What an incredible guy! From what I can tell he is exactly what I aspire to become. An architect that designs with a social conscience. I guess that's something all architects are taught to do but it seems his whole being goes into building for the common good. He would be a fantastic burner if he isn't already and someone that explanations for good are unnecessary. It takes a very special someone to transplant themselves to a rural alabama town of 200 people to simply better their conditions.
Drool drool drool enough said.
On a side more philosophical note, I'm always so surprised or suspicious people are of those who give. Freear mentioned the residents' skepticism when given free modifications to the homes which reminded me of my experience with MadHatters in Alabama. Similarly homeless people wouldn't accept free homes, thinking we were tricking them. Well before I start spilling my guts on my philosophy... peace.
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