
Walt Whitman

I'm agnostic but I've recently found my equivalent to the Bible in poetry. I've had my share of torturous days in English class... and hours spent translating French Lit... but I never appreciated any of it really til I read it independently. School kills everything. Plus doesn't reading poetry sound so romantic!

A Clear Night

This is thy hour o soul, thy free flight into the wordless
Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done,
Thee fully forth emerging, silent, gazing, pondering the themes thou lovest best.
Night, sleep, and the stars.

"I've never let my school interfere with my education"- Mark Twain


Clothes Disguised

If you know anything about me, you know how much I love my circle scarf and the 209 different ways it can be worn. It is almost impossible to see me without this dumb piece of fabric somehow incorporated into an outfit. Believe it or not, I first bought the circle scarf because I was walking the streets of New York and it was getting a bit chilly. It has now become an unhealthy obsession.
Anyway I've recently begun doing reusing my clothes in different ways and many times being pleasantly surprised. Yesterday when I was wearing tights a bit too tight I got out my black tank top, tucked in the straps and had an instant mini skirt. The other night I needed a new outfit so started playing around with an old black jersey wrap dress I had an converted it into this crazy awesome hipster dress... perhaps pics in future posts? Pretty much this has become the greatest realization of the week and I thought it was necessary for me to share it. Peace



Sorry for the lack of posting but I've been feeling uninspired lately. Maybe I'm just numb to the awesomeness that is our world.

Perhaps this is completely irrelevant but my latest obsession is Zumba. Now don't laugh but... it's an exercise class that combines excercise with dance. For someone like myself that has little or no coordination... this class is great! (I convinced myself I was born to dance after Zumba and went to dance West African style.... wow I am a fool)

Ha and Zumba's tagline? "Ditch the workout, join the party"