John Waters was first introduced to me by Drew. It was actually probably the first day I met him that he invited me over to his room after work for a lil get together with the other counselors (we were in training to be counselors at a pre-college program)... naughty naughty. A few introductions, a few drinks, and there we were all huddled around a small computer watching Pink Flamingoes. I was paralyzed in shock that such a movie existed! Chickens getting fucked, trannies eating dog poop, hitchhikers getting abducted and raped to produce children sold to lesbian couples- it was absolutely brilliant! And from the disgusted looks of a solid 90% of the room, I knew who I would have to censor myself in front of, and who wouldn't budge if I cranked myself up to 100.
So of course when I saw this I ran for it. Sadly I can neither find it at any library nor can I afford to buy it meaning the only way for me to read those delicious words is to show my pathetic face at Strand after work day after day reading a chapter or so til I finish. But I'd like to believe John would be proud of me and would delight in my behavior.
So the book. It follows its namesake, Role Models is about the different people in Waters's life who influenced him. And just seeing the different things he has produced and the ideas storming in his head, I could imagine his role models were going to be more colorful people but it's even better than I expected! From Johnny Mathis, to a lesbian stripper in a Baltimore bar, to one of the members of the Manson family, his relationships with his role models are so genuine and show a really human side of him that is so so endearing. I've fallen even deeper in love with John Waters...uh oh.